Working Capital Loans are loans that support a business’s day-to-day functioning needs, there is no restriction on the industry your business is in. They can be used to cover rental, raw material purchases, payroll and even for business expansion. Provided through the government’s Enterprise Singapore, Working Capital Loans have across the years become one of the most popular ways of getting low interest rates and easy to return loans from the banks in Singapore through their bank loan arrangements.
Enterprise Singapore will partner with participating banks and financial institutions to offer up to 90% risk-sharing. Underwriting criteria and interest rates differ across banks and institutions.
Business Term Loans (BTL)
Business Term Loan supports your day-to-day operation needs. Use it for business expansion or contingency plan. Get a specific amount with specified repayment schedule and fixed interest rate. A term loan is appropriate for most businesses as there is no restriction on the industry your business is in.
Business to Business Loans (B2B)
A financing solution that sees businesses investing into another business. The investor receives capital returns while borrower secures additional cash flow to aid business operations. Typically a short term financing facility with 1 to 12 months repayment option.
Peer to Peer Loan (P2P)